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Unlocking Business Growth with a Fractional Head of Sales


Business Growth with a Fractional Head of Sales

In today's fast-paced business environment, companies are increasingly looking for ways to maximize their sales efficiency and drive business growth. One solution that has gained popularity in recent years is hiring a fractional head of sales. This article will explore what a fractional head of sales is, the benefits of hiring one, and how they can help maximize sales efficiency and business growth. Additionally, we will discuss how to choose the right fractional head of sales for your business, onboard them effectively, and compare fractional sales vs in-house sales teams. Finally, we will provide case studies of businesses that have benefited from a fractional head of sales and offer a conclusion on the topic.

What is a Fractional Head of Sales?

A fractional head of sales is a senior sales executive who works part-time or on a project basis with a company. They provide sales leadership and strategy on-demand, without the full-time salary and benefits of a traditional employee. Fractional heads of sales typically have a wealth of experience in sales management, business development, and strategy. They can help develop a sales plan, lead sales teams, and drive revenue growth for a company.

One of the key advantages of a fractional head of sales is flexibility. Companies can hire them on an as-needed basis, whether it's for a short-term project or ongoing support. Fractional heads of sales can provide a fresh perspective and unbiased approach to sales strategy. They can also offer cost savings compared to a full-time, in-house sales executive.

Benefits of Hiring a Fractional Head of Sales

There are several benefits to hiring a fractional head of sales. First, they can provide a high level of expertise and experience in sales strategy and execution. Fractional heads of sales often have a proven track record of success in senior sales roles and can bring that knowledge to a company. They can help develop a sales plan, set goals, and implement processes to maximize sales efficiency.

Second, hiring a fractional head of sales can be cost-effective compared to hiring a full-time, in-house sales executive. Companies can save money on salary, benefits, and overhead costs by hiring a fractional head of sales. Additionally, they can avoid the risk of hiring the wrong person for the job, as fractional heads of sales are often vetted and have a proven track record of success.

Third, fractional heads of sales can bring a fresh perspective to a company's sales strategy. They can offer new ideas, identify areas for improvement, and provide unbiased feedback. This can help a company stay competitive and adapt to changing market conditions.

How a Fractional Head of Sales can Maximize Sales Efficiency

One of the key benefits of hiring a fractional head of sales is that they can help maximize sales efficiency. Fractional heads of sales can bring a wealth of experience and expertise to a company's sales strategy. They can help develop a sales plan, set goals, and implement processes to streamline the sales process.

Fractional heads of sales can also help identify areas for improvement in the sales process. They can analyze sales data, identify bottlenecks, and make recommendations for improvement. This can help a company optimize their sales process and improve their bottom line.

Finally, fractional heads of sales can provide sales leadership and mentorship to a company's sales team. They can help train and develop salespeople, provide guidance on best practices, and motivate the team to achieve their goals. This can improve the overall sales culture of a company and help drive revenue growth.

How a Fractional Head of Sales can Maximize Business Growth

In addition to maximizing sales efficiency, a fractional head of sales can also help maximize business growth. They can provide strategic direction and leadership to a company's sales efforts. Fractional heads of sales can help develop a sales plan, set goals, and implement processes to drive revenue growth.

Fractional heads of sales can also help identify new business opportunities. They can analyze market data, identify trends, and make recommendations for new products or services. This can help a company expand its offerings and reach new customers.

Finally, fractional heads of sales can help a company stay competitive in a rapidly changing market. They can identify emerging trends, provide market insights, and help a company adapt its sales strategy to stay ahead of the competition.

Choosing the Right Fractional Head of Sales for Your Business

Choosing the right fractional head of sales is critical to the success of a company's sales efforts. There are several factors to consider when selecting a fractional head of sales, including experience, industry knowledge, and cultural fit.

First, it's important to find a fractional head of sales with the right experience and expertise. They should have a proven track record of success in senior sales roles and be able to provide references and case studies. Additionally, they should have experience in your industry and be familiar with your target market.

Second, cultural fit is important when selecting a fractional head of sales. They should align with your company's values and culture. This can help ensure that they work well with your sales team and are able to achieve your sales goals.

Finally, it's important to select a fractional head of sales who is reliable and responsive. They should be available when you need them and be able to provide ongoing support as needed.

Onboarding a Fractional Sales Person

Onboarding a fractional head of sales is critical to their success in the role. It's important to provide them with the tools and information they need to be successful. This includes access to sales data, CRM systems, and other sales tools.

Additionally, it's important to set clear goals and expectations for the fractional head of sales. This can help ensure that they are aligned with your company's sales strategy and are able to achieve your sales goals.

Finally, it's important to establish open lines of communication with the fractional head of sales. This can help ensure that they are able to provide ongoing support and feedback to your sales team.

Fractional Sales vs In-house Sales Team - Which is Better for Business Growth and Your Company?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of whether fractional sales or an in-house sales team is better for your business. It depends on your company's specific needs and goals.

Fractional sales can provide flexibility, cost savings, and expertise in sales strategy and execution. They can help maximize sales efficiency and drive business growth. However, they may not provide the same level of continuity and cultural fit as an in-house sales team.

An in-house sales team can provide continuity, cultural fit, and a long-term sales strategy. They can also develop a deep understanding of your company's products and services. However, they may be more costly and may not provide the same level of expertise and flexibility as a fractional head of sales.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to hire a fractional head of sales or an in-house sales team depends on your company's specific needs and goals.

Fractional Sales Services and Providers

There are several fractional sales services and providers available to companies looking to hire a fractional head of sales. These include:

  • Sales Xceleration

  • SalesQB

  • The Fractional Sales VP

  • The Sales Experts

  • Fractional Sales Management

Each of these providers offers different levels of expertise and services. It's important to research each provider and find the one that best fits your company's needs and goals.

Case Studies of Businesses That Have Seen Growth from a Fractional Sales Head

There are many businesses that have benefited from hiring a fractional head of sales. For example, one software company was struggling to achieve its sales goals and was considering hiring a full-time sales executive. Instead, they hired a fractional head of sales who was able to provide sales leadership and develop a sales plan that helped the company exceed its sales goals.

Another business, a medical device company, was looking to expand into new markets but was struggling to develop a sales strategy. They hired a fractional head of sales who was able to identify new business opportunities and develop a sales plan that helped the company expand its offerings and reach new customers.

Finally, a manufacturing company was struggling to optimize its sales process and was losing business to competitors. They hired a fractional head of sales who was able to analyze the sales process, identify areas for improvement, and implement processes that helped the company increase sales and improve its bottom line.


In today's fast-paced business environment, companies are looking for ways to maximize their sales efficiency and drive business growth. Hiring a fractional head of sales can be an effective solution. Fractional heads of sales can provide expertise and experience in sales strategy and execution, cost savings compared to hiring a full-time, in-house sales executive, and a fresh perspective on sales strategy. To be successful, it's important to choose the right fractional head of sales, onboard them effectively, and establish open lines of communication. Ultimately, whether to hire a fractional head of sales or an in-house sales team depends on your company's specific needs and goals.


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